Adiabatic Shear Localization

Adiabatic Shear Localization

Frontiers and Advances

Dodd, Bradley; Bai, Yilong

Elsevier Health Sciences






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction (Dodd and Bai)

2. Experimental Methods (Meyer and Pursche)

3. Microstructural Aspects of Shear Localization Under High-Strain Rates for Materials (Xu and Meyers)

4. Analysis of Adiabatic Shear Bands by Numerical Simulation (Batra)

5. Current Status of the Theory of Adiabatic Shear Bands (Wright)

6. Adiabatic Shear Bands in Ammunition and Targets (Couque)

7. Explosives (Walley)

8. Shear Bands in Bulk Metallic Glasses (Bai)

9. Dynamic Failure of Amorphous Polymers (Swallowe)

10. Geological Aspects of Shear (Sulem)

11. Bibliography (Walley)
adaptive mesh refinement; adiabatic shear; adiabatic shear banding; Adiabatic shear bands; adiabatic shear failure; amorphization; armour; bandwidth; Bulk metallic glass (BMG); ceramicgranular materials; CO2 emission; compression; compression/shear; Cosserat continuum; deformation; deformation localization; dense alloys; Dynamic deformation; dynamic loading; endothermic mineral decomposition; energy of cold work; Flow localization; fracture; free volume; granular materials; hat shape; heavy alloys; high strain rates; initiation criterion; lightweight alloys; liner; localized shear banding; metallic alloys; metallic materials; microstructural evolution; morphogenesis; numerical solution; particulate composites; penetration; Penetrator; phase transformation; plastic flow; plastic work conversion; polymer; Polymer-bonded explosives; polymers; projectile; recrystallization; rigid plastic solids; rock; sand; scaling laws; Seismic slip; Shear band; shear band dimensions; shear bands; shear behaviour; shear heating; shielding; soil; strain localization; strain rate; strain-rate sensitivity; target; test method; thermal pressurization; thermal softening; torsion; transient high temperatures; ultra-high-strain-rate deformation; undrained adiabatic shearing; Weak formulation