European Glacial Landscapes

European Glacial Landscapes

The Last Deglaciation

Hughes, Philip D.; de Andres, Nuria; Palacios, David; Garcia-Ruiz, Jose M.

Elsevier - Health Sciences Division






15 a 20 dias


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PART I. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. The Terminations of the Glacial Cycles. 3. Previous synthesis of Last Deglaciation in Europe

PART II. Climate changes during the Last Deglaciation in the Eastern North Atlantic region 4. Introduction 5. The Heinrich-1 Stadial 6. The Bolling-Allerod Interstadial 7. The Younger Dryas Stadial

PART III. The European glacial landforms during main deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka) 8. Concept and global context of the glacial landforms from deglaciation SECTION 1. European regions that were covered by the European Ice Sheet Complex (EISC) 9. European Ice Sheet Complex evolution during main deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka) 10. Fennoscandia: glacial landforms during deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka) 11. Northern Central Europe: glacial landforms during deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka) 12. European Russia: glacial landforms during deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka) 13. The Eurasian Arctic: Glacial landforms during main deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka) 14. The North Sea and Mid Norwegian Continental Margin: glacial landforms during deglaciation, the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial and the Younger Dryas. 15. Britain and Ireland: glacial landforms during deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka). SECTION 2. European regions that were not covered by the EISC 16. The Polar Ural Mountains: Deglaciation history. 17. Iceland: glacial landforms during deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka) 18. The evolution of glacial landforms in the Tatra Mountains during deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka). 19. The Romanian Carpathians: glacial landforms during deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka). 20. The Alps: glacial landforms during deglaciation (18.9 to 14.6 ka). 21. The Pyrenees: environments and landforms in the aftermath of the LGM (18.9-14.6 ka). 22. The evolution of glacial landforms in Iberian Mountains during deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka). 23. The Italian Mountains: glacial landforms during deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka). 24. The Balkans: glacial landforms during deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka). 25. The Anatolian Mountains: glacial landforms during deglaciation (18.9-14.6 ka). SECTION 3. Synthesis of Part III 26. The European glacial landscapes from the main deglaciation

PART IV. The European glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial (14.6-12.9 ka) 27. Concept and global context of the glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial SECTION 1. European regions that were covered by the European Ice Sheet Complex (EISC) 28. European Ice Sheet Complex evolution during the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial (14.6-12.9 ka) 29. Fennoscandia: glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial (14.6-12.9 ka). 30. Northern Central Europe: glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial 31. European Russia: glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial 32. The Eurasian Arctic: Glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial (14.6-12.9 ka BP). 33. Britain and Ireland: glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial. SECTION 2: European regions that were not covered by the EISC 34. Iceland: Glacial landforms and raised shorelines from the Bolling-Allerod interstadial. 35. The evolution of glacial landforms in the Tatra Mountains during the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial. 36. The Romanian Carpathians: glacial landforms during Bolling -Allerod Interstadial. 37. The Alps: glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial 38. The Pyrenees: glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial 39. The evolution of glacial landforms in the Iberian Mountains during Bolling-Allerod Interstadial. 40. The Italian Mountains: glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial 41. The Balkans: glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial 42. The Anatolian Mountains: glacial landforms from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial SECTION 3. Synthesis of the Part IV 43. European glacial landscapes from the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial

PART V. The European glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial (12.9-11.7 ka) 44. Concept and global context of the glacial landforms from Younger Dryas SECTION 1. European regions that were covered by the European Ice Sheet Complex (EISC) 45. The EISC evolution during the Younger Dryas Stadial (12.9-11.7 ka). 46. The Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during the Younger Dryas Stadial. 47. Younger Dryas local moraines in western and northern Norway 48. Northern Central Europe: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial. 49. European Russia: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial. 50. The Eurasian Arctic:?Glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial. 51. Britain and Ireland: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial SECTION 2. European regions that not were covered by the EISC 52. Iceland: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial 53. The evolution of glacial landforms in the Tatra Mountains during the Younger Dryas Stadial. 54. The Romanian Carpathians: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas 55. The Alps: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial 56. The Pyrenees: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial 57. The evolution of glacial landforms in Iberian Mountains during the Younger Dryas Stadial. 58. The Italian Mountains: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial. 59. The Balkans: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial. 60. The Anatolian Mountains: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas Stadial. SECTION 3. Synthesis of Part V 61. The European glacial landscapes from the Younger Dryas Stadial

PART VI. The Synthesis of the European Landscapes from Last Deglaciation 62. The importance of European glacial landscapes in a context of great climatic variability
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Abrupt climate change; Abrupt cooling; Absolute ages; Absolute ages Romanian Carpathians; Aeolian sediments; Allerod; Alpine Lateglacial; Alps; Anatolia; Apennines; Arctic Russia; Asynchroneity; Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation; Bolling; Bolling-Allerod; Bolling-Allerod Interstadial; Bolling-Allerod interstadial; Baltic Ice Lake; Baltic ice stream; Barents Sea Ice Sheet; Barents Sea ice sheet; Birch; Birch-pine forest; Cirque; Cirque glaciers; Climate proxy records; Climatic gradient; Cooling; Corrie; Dead ice; Deglaciation; Deglaciation onset; Deglaciation period; Dinaric Alps; Dunes; EISC collapse; EISC evolution; ELA; Egesen stadial; End moraine belt; End moraines; Alfoten ice cap; Equilibrium line; Eskers; Europe; European Alps; European Ice Sheet Complex; European Ice Sheet complex; European glacial landscapes; European glacial studies; European mountain glaciers; Fennoscandian Ice Sheet; Fennoscandian ice sheet; Fennoscandian shield; Gas hydrate; Geodiversity; Geoheritage; Glacial advance; Glacial cycles; Glacial episodes; Glacial evolution; Glacial landforms; Glacial landscapes; Glacial readvance; Glacial retreat; Glacial stades; Glacial syntheses; Glacial termination; Glacier expansion; Glacier retreat; Glacier variations; Glaciers; Glaciers extent; Glaciofluvial; Glaciofluvial deltas; Glaciofluvial landforms; Glacioisostatic uplift; Glaciotectonism; Greenland Interstadial 1; Greenland Stadial 1; Greenland Stadial GS 1; Grounding zone deposits; Heftyebreen; Heinrich Event 1; Heinrich Stadial 1; Holocene; Hummocky and ridge moraines; Hummocky moraine; Iberian Peninsula; Ice lobes; Ice sheet collapse; Ice sheet thinning; Ice sheets; Ice stream surge; Ice streams; Ice-dammed lakes; Ice-divide migration; Ice-marginal landforms; Ice-marginal streamways