Medicine Morning Report Subspecialties

Medicine Morning Report Subspecialties

Beyond the Pearls

Dasgupta, Raj; Wong, Darren W.; Shan, Hui Yi; Li, Sophia

Elsevier - Health Sciences Division






15 a 20 dias


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1. Case 1 - Neurology: Ischemic CVA: Al
2. Case 2 - Gastroenterology/Hepatology: Esophageal cancer (squamous cell): Monisha
3. Case 3 - Hematology/Oncology: Breast Mass: Monisha
4. Case 4 - Cardiovascular Medicine: STEMI: Eric
5. Case 5 - Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine: Asthma: Raj
6. Case 6 - Neurology: GBS: Al
7. Case 7 - Infectious Disease: Endocarditis: Cyrus
8. Case 8 - Endocrinology/Metabolism: DKA: Eric
9. Case 9 - Rheumatology: RA: Michelle
10. Case 10 - Gastroenterology/Hepatology: H.Pylori (dysphagia): Monisha

11. Case 11 - Cardiovascular Medicine: Chronic CHF outpatient management: Melissa
12. Case 12 - Nephrology: SIADH: Rachael
13. Case 13 - Neurology: Hemorrhagic CVA: Al
14. Case 14 - Infectious Disease: Meningitis: Cyrus
15. Case 15 - Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine: COPD: Raj
16. Case 16 - Rheumatology: SLE: Michelle
17. Case 17 - Endocrinology/Metabolism: Hyperthyroidism (Grave's disease): Melissa
18. Case 18 - Neurology: Back pain: Al
19. Case 19 - Cardiovascular Medicine: Atrial fibrillation: Eric
20. Case 20 - Infectious Disease: Pneumonia: Cyrus
21. Case 21 - Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine: PE: Raj
22. Case 22 - Neurology: Seizures: Al
23. Case 23 - Rheumatology: Scleroderma: Michelle
24. Case 24 - Endocrinology/Metabolism: Type II DM outpatient management: Melissa
25. Case 25 - Infectious Disease: UTI: Cyrus
26. Case 26 - Neurology: ALS: Al
27. Case 27 - Gastroenterology/Hepatology: GERD: Monisha
28. Case 28 - Cardiovascular Medicine: Acute CHF decompensation: Eric
29. Case 29 - Rheumatology: AS: Michelle
30. Case 30 - Nephrology: Diabetes Insipidus: Rachael
31. Case 31 - Endocrinology/Metabolism: Hypothyroidism (Hashimoto): Melissa
32. Case 32 - Infectious Disease: Cellulitis: Cyrus
33. Case 33 - Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine: Narcolepsy: Raj
34. Case 34 - Cardiovascular Medicine: MVP : Melissa
35. Case 35 - Hematology/Oncology: Lung cancer: Monisha
36. Case 36 - Rheumatology: OA: Michelle
37. Case 37 - Gastroenterology/Hepatology: Celiac disease: Monisha
38. Case 38 - Neurology: Multiple sclerosis: Al
39. Case 39 - Nephrology: Pre-renal azotemia: Rachael
40. Case 40 - Infectious Disease: Active TB: Cyrus
41. Case 41 - Cardiovascular Medicine: Stable angina: Meliss
42. Case 42 - Hematology/Oncology: Iron deficiency anemia: Rachael
43. Case 43 - Gastroenterology/Hepatology: Alcoholic cirrhosis: Monisha
44. Case 44 - Endocrinology/Metabolism: Pheochromocytoma: Eric
45. Case 45 - Dermatology : Atopic dermatitis / Eczema : Melissa
46. Case 46 - Nephrology: Contrast induced nephropathy: Rachael
47. Case 47 - Rheumatology: Gout: Michelle
48. Case 48 - Cardiovascular: Aortic stenosis: Eric
49. Case 49 - Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine:Pleural effusions: Raj
50. Case 50 - Neurology: Parkinson's disease: AL
51. Case 51 - Infectious Disease: Lyme's disease: Cyrus
52. Case 52 - Nephrology: Hypokalemia: Rachael
53. Case 53 - Rheumatology: Vasculitis: Michelle
54. Case 54 - Endocrinology/Metabolism: Cushing disease: Rachael
55. Case 55 - Cardiovascular Medicine: Unstable angina: Eric
56. Case 56 - Gastroenterology/Hepatology: GIST: Monisha
57. Case 57 - Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine: ARDS: Raj
58. Case 58 - Nephrology: Hyperkalemia: Rachael
59. Case 59 - Infectious Disease: HIV: Cyrus
60. Case 60 - Rheumatology: Myositis: Michelle
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Rajkumar Dasgupta, Medicine Morning Report Subspecialties, Medicine Morning Report, Hui Shan, Darren W. Wong, Sophia Li, Internal medicine, medicine, case-based learning, clinical cases, medicine, Dr. Raj, USMLE review, Internal medicine shelf exam, exam prep, Beyond the Pearls, subspecialty medicine, cardiovascular medicine, rheumatology, nephrology, pulmonary medicine, gastroenterology, infectious disease, hematology, oncology